
NTT Luxembourg PSF celebrates 20 years of the support PFS status

The 20th anniversary of the PSF (Professional of the Financial Sector) status holds great importance for NTT Luxembourg PSF. This milestone marks two decades of fostering business impact, contributing to the country’s attractiveness, driving innovation and new services, and shaping human resources in Luxembourg.

Business Impact and Growth:

The creation of the Support PSF status has had a profound impact on NTT Luxembourg’s business operations since we became a PSF company in 2005. The status has played a crucial role in facilitating change, development, and growth within our organization. It has provided us with the necessary framework to operate as a trusted partner for financial institutions in Luxembourg, enabling us to deliver innovative and tailor-made IT solutions to meet their evolving needs. The PSF status has not only enhanced our credibility but has also opened up new avenues for collaboration, leading to increased business opportunities and strategic partnerships.

Contribution to Luxembourg’s Attractiveness:

NTT Luxembourg recognizes the substantial contribution of the Support PSF status to the country’s attractiveness as an international financial center. The status has bolstered Luxembourg’s reputation as a hub for financial services and IT expertise. By adhering to the rigorous requirements and regulations associated with the PSF status, NTT Luxembourg has positioned itself as a reliable and secure provider of IT services in the financial sector. This, in turn, has attracted investments in Luxembourg, further strengthening the country’s position in the global market.

Innovation and New Services:  

The PSF status has been instrumental in fostering innovation and driving the development of new services at NTT Luxembourg PSF. To meet the demands of the ever-changing financial landscape, the PSF framework encourages continuous improvement and adaptation. This has empowered us to explore emerging technologies such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and cybersecurity, enabling us to offer cutting-edge solutions to our clients. The PSF status has acted as a catalyst for innovation, allowing us to stay ahead of the curve and address the evolving IT needs of the financial sector.

Human Resources and Skills Development:  

NTT Luxembourg recognizes the pivotal role of the PSF status in shaping human resources within our organization. The status has played a significant role in job creation and transformation, as it necessitates a highly skilled and specialized workforce. By complying with the rigorous standards of the PSF framework, NTT Luxembourg PSF has continuously invested in the development of our employees’ skills and expertise. We have witnessed the emergence of new roles and the acquisition of new skills, which have not only enriched our workforce but have also enhanced career growth opportunities for our employees.

The PSF status has provided a solid foundation for NTT Luxembourg PSF to thrive and evolve in a dynamic and highly regulated industry. As we celebrate this milestone, we look forward to further leveraging the PSF framework to deliver exceptional IT services and contribute to the continued success of Luxembourg’s financial sector.

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L-1013 Luxembourg

(+352) 43 53 66 1

PO Box 1304
L-1013 Luxembourg